Tooth Removal Technology
In the last few years, the way that periodontists remove teeth in preparation for dental implants has changed dramatically. The emphasis is on minimizing trauma to the gum and bone tissue which results in more predictable healing for the patient. If the gum and bone are injured at the time of tooth extraction, the site often heals poorly and can result in the need for additional grafting procedures prior to implant placement. Through careful management of the tooth during extraction and the application of selected grafting materials and barrier membranes to the site (Please see our section on Site Preservation), implants can be successfully and predictably placed by your periodontist, either at the time of tooth extraction or following a short healing period.
One of the major technological advancements has come with the introduction of the Easy X-Trac System. This allows the periodontist to remove your tooth without any pulling by using an internal screw and lever arm system. The tooth is slowly removed without any damage to the gum or bone tissue. The periodontist then evaluates the socket, cleans out the infected tissue, selects and places the necessary grafting materials, and the socket fills in with volumes of gum and bone tissue.
There are some teeth (primarily molar teeth) in which the Easy X-Trac System cannot yet be applied. For these scenarios, your periodontist will use either a series of selected micro-surgical hand instruments or the Piezoelectric Surgical Technology discussed above. The goal is to minimize trauma while preserving the tissues so that a dental implant can be successfully and predictably placed.